Toasted Maple Corn Muffins with Maple Honey Butter

Maple Corn Muffins

Mix up a couple of authentic American flavors like maple and corn, and what do you get? Crumbly, toasty golden muffins just right for a lazy breakfast or afternoon tea. Bake the muffins in paper and they’re great for on the go meals or road trips. Or, simply pour the rich corn batter into a 9×9-inch baking pan, and make yourself a sweet, satisfying bread – nice as a go-with for dinner soups, chilis and stews.

If you like, take your muffins to the next level by making the accompanying Maple Honey Butter. This recipe will produce more  than enough for your bread or muffins, but don’t worry, it’s also delicious on toast or pancakes – even popcorn!

For a real treat, slice a muffin in half lengthwise and brown it face down in a pan of melted butter until golden and toasty. Slather on some maple honey butter and devour it while it’s still toasty hot and crispy. Nuf said…

Maple Corn Muffins

Maple Corn Muffins

1½ cups cornmeal
¾ cup white flour
⅔ cup sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
¾ cup milk
2 eggs
½ cup sour cream
¼ cup corn oil
⅓ cup maple syrup

Maple Corn Muffins

Maple Honey Butter
1 stick butter
¼ cup maple syrup
1 tablespoon honey

Maple Corn Muffins

Preheat oven to 350°. In large bowl, mix together cornmeal, flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. In separate bowl, mix together milk and eggs. Stir milk mixture into dry ingredients. Add sour cream, corn oil and maple syrup, mixing in well.

Maple Corn Muffins

Pour into greased or papered muffin tin. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes until golden brown, or until toothpick in center comes out clean. Serve warm, or toasted, with maple butter.

Maple Corn Muffins

NOTE: Bake in a 9×9-inch baking pan 35 to 45 minutes for a sweet corn bread.

Makes 12 muffins

Maple Corn Muffins16

Maple Corn Muffins

11 Comments Add yours

  1. This looks great. However, is it really 1 TABLESPOOn of baking powder that’s required or only 1 teaspoon?

    1. MixerUpper says:

      Thanks Beauty!

      Yes, it’s one tablespoon. Corn meal, if you use a hefty organic kind like I do, is kind of dense. Thus, a little extra baking powder gives a nice rise. Give it a try!

      1. Thanks, I might just do it today!

      2. MixerUpper says:

        Yay! Don’t forget the maple honey butter, and please let me know how you like the muffins!

      3. I made it but replaced the sour cream with yogurt (that’s all I had) and replaced the corn oil (if it isn’t organic it’s most likely GMO) with grape seed oil but could have easily used coconut oil (melted) as well. I also threw in a handful of dried cranberries. Voila,.. very nice. I topped them with my homemade peach jam, BTW.

      4. MixerUpper says:

        Nice! Cranberries and homemade peach jam sound like great additions. Thanks for telling me!

  2. Looks delicious. I love corn muffins.

    1. MixerUpper says:

      Thanks, Elizabeth! They are especially delicious when toasted golden in a pool of browned butter. 😉

  3. MUFFINS PAN-FRIED IN BUTTER??? I knew there was a reason why I was following you 🙂 Looks wonderful!

    1. MixerUpper says:

      :-). You crack me up Daisy!

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