Komatsuna no Goma-Ae

Komatsuna is a slightly tangy Japanese vegetable similar to spinach. When topped with Goma-Ae, or toasted sesame sauce, you’ll find a perfectly satisfying contrast of sweet and spicy flavors. Don’t be concerned if you can’t locate komatsuna – almost any leafy green can be used in this dish with delicious results. My favorite local sushi…

Irish Parsnip and Apple Soup

In my mind I see a woman, head slightly bent against the wind and hefting long skirts. There is still a blustery nip in the air. Fields lie fallow, awaiting spring. She walks purposefully across the yard, her thatched-roof cottage behind her, cozy smoke rising from its stone chimney. She lifts a heavy door, and…

Sweet and Smoky Pumpkin Seeds

Separating pumpkin seeds from their clingy, protective pulp is somewhat tedious and exceptionally messy. Why bother? The results are well worth the effort. You get both a delicious, old-fashioned snack, and the satisfaction that comes from utilizing nature’s bounty to its fullest. These sweet and smoky pumpkin seeds are spiced up with chipotle, then softened…

Smoky Chipotle-Roasted Pumpkin

We often think of pumpkin as a dessert ingredient, just right for pies and muffins. As a member of the squash family, however, pumpkin is also the perfect candidate for simple, savory dishes. In this recipe, harvest pumpkin is seasoned with chipotle, then oven-roasted to a sweet and smoky blend. Serve it as a seasonal…

End of Summer Sweet Corn Soup

Officially, we still have a few weeks of summer left, but all of us know that Labor Day is the real end of summer. We’ve enjoyed the last blowout barbecue or beach weekend, put away the tiki torches and sand chairs, and are starting to think about donning heavy sweaters and heading to the pumpkin…

Slow-Roasted Tomato Bruschetta

There’s something about summertime (or almost summertime) that makes me crave tomatoes. I remember as a kid, taking the first summer bite of a giant, red Jersey Beefsteak, so ripe the juice would drip down my hand as I bit in. With just a little salt, the sweet-spicy fruit could become an entire meal, and…

Johnny K’s Creamy Potato Leek Soup

Out in my garden recently, I was pleasantly surprised to find several chive plants thriving after a long, rough winter. This was shortly before my husband, Kevin, and I took a quick weekend trip to Toronto to visit our friends John and Karen. I made a mental note to cook up a batch of potato…

Organic Earth Day Salad

The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970, when Gaylord Nelson, a US senator from Wisconsin, orchestrated a nationwide “teach-in” about the environment. Now, more than 40 years later, Earth Day is still popular, and “green” is everywhere. In the spirit of being kind to the earth (and to our bodies), I created…

Watermelon Cucumber Salad

When the mercury rises, and the humidity starts to build, it’s nice to have a few refreshing “go to” recipes in your back pocket. Cool green cucumbers and juicy red watermelon provide a colorful, thirst-quenching option. I like to dress this salad with a tangy vinaigrette. The watermelon absorbs some of the dressing as it…

Luxembourger Green Beans

Bou’neschlupp, a Luxembourgese peasant soup, is the inspiration for this simple, nutritious side dish. Green beans, potatoes and onions are gently simmered in seasoned broth until tender. Cooking with broth adds nutrients, and gives the vegetables a rich flavor and texture. I’ve left out the heavy cream and bacon found in the traditional soup, leaving…